It is very difficult to live among people you love and hold back from offering them advice. - Anne Tyler
The trouble with discarding bad memories was that evidently the good ones went with them - Anne Tyler
People imagine that missing a loved one works kind of like missing cigarettes. The first day is really hard but the next day is less hard and so forth, easier and easier the longer you go on. But instead it’s like missing water. Every day, you notice the person’s absence more. - Anne Tyler
People always call it luck when you've acted more sensibly than they have. - Anne Tyler
I've never quite believed that one chance is all I get - Anne Tyler
He honestly believed, for an instant, that what he'd heard was music-a tune piped, a burble of notes, a little scrap of melody floating by on wind and breaking his heart. - Anne Tyler
Epictetus say that everything has two handles, one by which it can be borne and one which it cannot. If your brother sins against you, he says, don't take hold of it by the wrong he did you but by the fact that he's your brother. That's how it can be borne. - Anne Tyler
The one ironclad rule is that I have to try. I have to walk into my writing room and pick up my pen every weekday morning. - Anne Tyler
It seems to me that since I've had children, I've grown richer and deeper. They may have slowed down my writing for a while, but when I did write, I had more of a self to speak from. - Anne Tyler